Dr Lakmali Atapattu

Hello Beautiful Soul, I’m Lakmali.

I guide beautiful souls like you to heal their past and create the life they love: a life of awareness, love, joy, peace, ease, and prosperity.

I first woke up to reality when I held space for my family to meditate at the age of 3. I learnt loving-kindness, breathing, mindfulness, impermanence and walking meditations from my grandfather. I had the privilege of meditating with him every day and be immersed in the radiant love and wisdom of my grandmother till the age of 9. They created a solid foundation for me by demonstrating how to live a great life.

The next chapter of my life unfolded away from my grandparents.


In Search of Meaning

I lived my father’s dream of becoming an engineer. I accomplished a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering in Sri Lanka and then a doctorate in electronics engineering in Australia.

I loved studying. No matter what I got to study, I felt blessed & grateful, yet I also felt something was out of alignment.

Life took a toll when I was 25. All of the sudden, research, healing & meditation became my lifeline as I was persevering through university studies, doing 9-5 jobs, through tough relationships, illnesses and hardships in life.

I had 3 migraine attacks a week for 24 years. My cervical spine degenerated and I also suffered from a shoulder & wrist injury for many years. My whole body was in great pain due to the trauma I experienced in life.

I struggled not knowing a way out of my own physical, mental & emotional pain & suffering. I mostly lived in silence and lost my singing voice for 2 decades.


The Turning Point

I reached out and asked for help. Byron Katie’s self-inquiry technique called The Work came into my life.

Since that moment, I sat in meditation for hours, days and years, healing what created suffering for me in the mind. I flew to the US and participated in Katie’s extraordinary School for The Work. I learnt how to meet the egoic mind with understanding and awaken to reality: the unconditionally loving, powerful, peaceful, joyous True Self.


My Results

  • My healing journey has opened up wondrous avenues to be trained and facilitated by some of the world’s best healers & teachers. I studied and practised some of the world’s best and most transformative healing modalities: Compassion Key®, forgiveness, mindfulness and also powerful manifestation techniques to change my external reality.
  • I have spent over 38,000 hours healing myself, meditating up to 15 hours a day. I healed chronic pain in my body and severe and consistent migraine attacks. I lost 15 kg of extra weight and now enjoy delicious, healthy food.
  • My life has been exceptionally transformative & beautiful with such deep inner exploration.
  • My creativity and joy are enhanced through singing, dancing, visual art, writing and cooking. I enjoy my time swimming & walking in nature, where I now live near the blue Pacific Ocean.
  • I undertook over 3 decades of research and study into nonduality or oneness, spirituality, philosophy, quantum physics, metaphysics, psychology, transpersonal psychology, counselling and self-actualisation to further my understanding of my imperiences, experiences and practice.
  • I founded the Awakening Infinity organisation, designing my life purpose from scratch and living it, and left my career in engineering.
  • My heart has taken me on a beautiful journey of meeting & facilitating 100s of extraordinary people to heal through their own Self-Love & transform their life circumstances.
  • Now, I am blessed to practise as a certified healing facilitator & meditation coach.
  • I wake up every day enjoying the Life that I am, seeing the radiant love, joy, compassion & authentic power in these magnificent souls and creating an empowered & compassionate life.


I know your heart feels a calling, just like mine did. I invite you to answer that calling now. Join me in my next one-on-one session, workshop or retreat to ultimately create on purpose and to feel liberated, whole & complete within & without. Step into your empowered self now. You are the one you’ve been looking for. You never go wrong in investing in yourself.


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